10 Most Common Learning Disabilities Found in School

Children with special needs experience difficulties in school. There are about 10% of the population who have learning disabilities. According to statistics, 6.6 million children and youth received special education services in 2014-15. Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) of 1975 is a federal law that administers all special education services for children. Special education is given to those children who have serious emotional disturbance, learning disabilities, mental retardation, traumatic brain injury, autism, vision and hearing impairments, physical disabilities and other health impairments.

Here the 10 Most  Common Learning Disabilities:

1. ADHD/ADD10 Most Common Learning Disabilities Found in School

Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder/Attention Deficit Disorder children have difficulty focusing on certain things. The difference of these two is the physical hyperactivity present in ADHD. There are about 5% of schoolchildren affected with ADHD. Teachers and parents need to stress quality rather than quantity of work to help the child learn effectively.

2. Aphasia/Dysphagia

Aphasia is commonly known as speech impairment, causing difficulty naming some objects. Dysphagia, however, is a swallowing disorder. Aphasic children suffer from verbal communication. But, teachers can aid these children by speaking slowly, clearly and repetitively using gestures and pictures to communicate, and encourage other ways in expressing their thoughts.

3. Apraxia/Dyspraxia

Dyspraxia also called as motor learning disability can cause learning difficulties for children. They have problems performing simple and subtle movements like tying shoelaces, using scissors, catching or kicking a ball. Perceptual motor training can help improve visual, movement, language and auditory skills of a child.

4. Autism/Asperger’s

Autism Spectrum Disorders affect the communication, social, and artistic skills of a child.   They have trouble communicating their needs or even understanding simple instructions. However, integrating mainstream classroom can help autistic children develop their abilities and discover their strengths and interests.

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10 Most Common Learning Disabilities Found in School5. Developmental Delays

Children experiencing a significant delay in emotional, mental or physical development are advised to seek out Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE). The CPSE evaluates the developmental progress of a child and identifies if a child is a “Pre-schooler with a Disability”. To address the delays, Individual Education Plan (IEP) are devised to help children develop at a normal pace.

6. Dyslexia

A type of learning disability that alters the way the brain processes written material is known to be Dyslexia. Children diagnosed with dyslexia have problems reading, writing, and spelling. It is important to encourage and reinforce the strengths of the child, and focus on the specific problem the child has. This will help them learn easily allowing them to have better success in life in the future.  

7. Fragile “X”

Fragile X syndrome is known to be the most common inherited cause of mental impairment and the most common cause of autism. Fragile X is caused by a defect on the X chromosome resulting to gene mutation and affecting the child’s development stage. In addition, males are said to be more vulnerable by this disorder than females. Children with this kind of disorder have problems with brain development including delayed speech and language difficulty.

8. Mental Retardation

Mental retardation is basically a neurodevelopmental disorder that significantly damage intellectual and adaptive functioning of a child. This type of disorder has two categories: mild or moderate retardation, and severe retardation. Mild or moderate retardation are learners having an IQ below 70 and execute a delay in adaptive functioning. Severe retardation, however, is an extreme case where learners IQ is below 50 and shows a delay in ability to be independent and socially responsible. Children with mental retardation are very capable of learning, and will develop unique strengths and weaknesses.

9. Neurological Disorders

Neurological disorders such as epilepsy, neuromascular disorders, brain tumor and cerebral palsy greatly affect the child’s ability to communicate, see, hear, move and think properly. Children diagnosed with this type of disorder will receive appropriate Early Intervention (EI) services. Referrals from Committee on Special Education are needed to allow children going to school.

10. Seizure Disorder

Children with seizure disorder needs to be monitored. Seizures occur due to imbalanced electrical activity of the brain. This kind type of disorder is classified based on the intensity and symptoms it shows. Seizures can be simple partial, complex partial, absence, or grand mal. Nevertheless, it is important that a child has equal access to an education in spite of the disability. Seizure attacks can be frightening for children, thus cooperation of teachers at school is highly significant.

Occurrence of learning disabilities can be caused by hereditary genes, teratogenic drugs, medical factors and/or environmental factors. Early treatments at home and in school can positively aid children with disabilities. Accommodating their needs at school can greatly help execute their skills at the optimum capacity.