
Telstra Phones/Trackers and Personal Safety Devices Rendered Useless!

There is movement in the Telecommunication sector that will have the potential to render your mobile phone, Vehicle Tracker or GPS Personal Tracking Device useless.

With the total closure of the 2G network almost complete this could be your reality now especially if you are a Telstra customer. Telstra shut down its 2G coverage last year in December with Optus soon following suit with WA and NT shutting last month. SA, QLD, Vic, NSW, TAS and ACT will close on 1st August 2017.

Upgrading and replacing the 2G network makes room for the 3 and 3/4G networks and will also make way for future developments……5G and beyond. Telecommunication Company’s need to stay ahead of this development and give their customers options and time to adjust. Todays’ society cannot function without it.

This will affect any device that is only set up to use the 2G infrastructure…… mobile phones, GPS car tracking devises as well as personal tracking devices for safety. If your mobile phone is 2G only, you will not be able to make or receive calls, send SMS and MMS nor utilise the internet for social media/google or downloads. 2G vehicle tracking will not be able to assist if your car is stolen. Personal Tracking Devises will not provide the safety backup they are designed to give. The elderly with dementia and children with special needs including autism are 2 groups mainly at risk!

It is imperative you update your devise to a 3 or 3/4 G compatible unit at your earliest convenience so that you continue to have the service you pay for!

For further information regarding GPS Personal Tracking Devises, Vehicle Tracking and Pet Trackers, check out our website www.mybuddygard.com.au