Vehicle or car fleet tracking has become more and more popular and valuable over the years. According to Petropedia, a fleet tracking system is a modernized programmed device that collects fleet data to get a comprehensive picture of a vehicle’s location. Aside from location, it also captures vehicle data such as fuel consumption, mileage, and driving history among others.

Popularly known as GPS tracking, vehicle tracking offers a lot of benefits to businesses and individuals who integrate it on their vehicles. Industries like transport, logistics and companies that travels a lot need to use vehicle fleet tracking technologies.

Watch this video to learn more about GPS Fleet Tracking:

Now that you have the general idea about vehicle fleet tracking, let’s dive into the advantages of using it.


1. It can reduce operation costs

Once you have a GPS tracking device set-up in your vehicle fleet, the data you gather from it could give you information on your driver’s driving behaviors. They can be over-speeding, long stops, better routes to avoid traffic, and travel hours. This information will help you manage the fuel consumption of vehicles that could save you extra dollars.

Other than reducing fuel costs, insurance companies also offer discounts to insured vehicles that have tracking devices installed in them. So, if the worst thing happens and your vehicle got stolen, use your vehicle GPS tracking device to recover it. Your insurance company will pretty much give you a discount in case your vehicle got damaged when it’s been stolen.

2. Fast vehicle recovery

As mentioned above, vehicle or car GPS trackers help you locate your vehicle immediately in case it got stolen. You may think that it won’t happen to you, but let’s be realistic here because it happens to people every day. In Australia alone, it is estimated that a car is stolen every 12 minutes. It is very alarming not only for company cars but also for private car owners.

Most car GPS tracking devices nowadays have theft prevention features. Aside from the normal tracking features, they also come with sending alert and notification features when the device tracks an unusual or suspicious behavior in your vehicle. One of the best GPS trackers for cars and vehicle fleets is My Buddy Gard’s Car Buddy Tracker. This GPS tracking device uses a 4G network which is the best tracking coverage available in the market. It has a lot of features and functions like SOS, rules engine, setting-up geo fences, and email or text alert notification among others. If you want to invest in a GPS tracking device for your company or personal vehicle, this one’s definitely worth the money.


3. Safety of drivers and vehicles

Aside from the vehicles, your staff and drivers should be your priority concern too. During bad weather, accidents, or any situation you can’t reach your staff, GPS trackers are very helpful to track their location. This will allow you to respond in case there is a safety concern for the driver and the people with them.

4. Better customer service

There will always be instances that your customer has urgent orders that needs to be delivered. Or a service that needs to be done immediately. When that happens, it is beneficial for you to know which staff is around the area to cater to them. With the GPS devices installed in your vehicle fleet, you can know the location of your staff to accommodate your customer’s needs fast rather than making them wait for a few hours to get something done. Remember that fast service results to a happy customer.


5. Efficient vehicle utilization

With all the data collected from your vehicle fleet tracking system, your vehicle assets will be utilized efficiently. From better fuel consumption, improved driver behaviors, to safety. You can make better business decisions on how to maximise your vehicle assets with these vehicle tracking technologies.

These are just a few benefits of using vehicle fleet trackers — there are more out there. In order to fully utilize them, you need to do a research on what type of GPS tracking system will suit your business needs. This can help you use them effectively and save money from choosing the wrong type.