The truth is undeniable, we all AGE. And that very fact affects every family. As we grow up and become adults, our parents’ age too. We usually don’t comprehend the extent and the effects of aging on their health.  And, in what way aging could affect their lives and ours as well? And in this article, we study GPS Trackers: Taking Care Of Your Elderly in 2019.

Many of us are living separately with our elderly because of two primary reasons:

  • Work
  • Marriage


Of course, this is already self-explanatory. As we grow up, we work and have to maintain our own careers, social lives and so on. We’ll get so busy with our day to day routines to the point that taking time off from our jobs and for us to be able to visit our dear parents won’t be that easy to do anymore. Some of us work overseas too.

Marriage/Life Partner

Sooner or later after numerous date (some good, some bad) you’ll meet that special someone you want to grow old with. Then you start your own family.  You’ll get too busy and have less time next to take care of your parents. And again, you still have to make a living on a daily basis.

Considering what really matters.

Whether we are occupied with maintaining our careers or starting our own family, we can’t change the fact that our parent’s welfare is one of our main priorities.  As they age, we desire for them to spend their remaining time here in this world, with us.

We all wanted the best for our dear ones.

It’s also a fact that our body undergoes changes as time passes by. Our health is gravely affected. An estimate of more than 342,000 Australians has Alzheimer’s disease and the said number is anticipated to grow. Across the globe, about 44 million people are living their lives, suffering dementia, making the disease a global crisis.

Our parents are vulnerable with this too and aren’t excused at all.

But mostly, elderly people HATE to be taken care of.

This goes without saying and is almost true for everyone. Some want to be taken care of, others don’t. This is because of the following reasons:

  • Our parents don’t want us to think that they are a burden or feel like one.
  • They wanted to continue living independently on their own.
  • Hiring Caregivers are pretty expensive.
  • An elderly care home isn’t comfortable for some people.

GPS trackers, keeping track to our elderly, whenever and wherever.

With the advancement of technology, keeping an eye to our dear elderly without jeopardizing our careers and social life can be both achieved. Modern-day GPS trackers offer the best features that will suit your needs. Not just limited to tracking and locating. But also the following:

  • It can monitor your elderly’s daily activities and heart rate.
  • Sends notifications if ever there’s a sudden change that occurred in their daily activities, heart rate and may lead to harm them.
  • The wearer can also send SOS messages indicating that they are in or probably are facing threat.
  • User-friendly.
  • The notification comes in a form of SMS or email and usually takes just a matter of minutes before you receive it.
  • A “Geofence” feature. That enables you to allocate a “safe zone.” A place where your elderly can wander safely and away from any harm. When the wearer overreaches the allocated “safe zone” the device immediately notify you when they leave that area.

GPS tracking device allows us to keep accurate monitoring of our elderly loved one’s day to day activities even though we are far away from them.

People also read: Dementia and GPS Trackers for Elderly