Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) Fields at School

EMR exposure has a negative impact on our health and emotional well-being. And when we send our kids to school we want them to have a safe and happy environment. And in this article, we go through about Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) fields at school.

What is EMR?

Electromagnetic radiation

– found to cause deleterious health effects in people.

Two types of Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR):

Ionizing Radiation

– is radiation, traveling as a particle or electromagnetic wave. It carries sufficient energy to detach electrons from atoms or molecules, thereby ionizing them.

example of ionizing radiation:
  • X-rays or gamma rays
Non-ionizing Radiation

– refers to any type of electromagnetic radiation that does not carry enough energy per quantum to ionize atom or molecules.

What are electromagnetic fields (EMF)?

Electric fields are created by differences in voltage:

– the higher the voltage, the stronger will be the resultant field.

Magnetic fields are created when electric current flows:

– the greater the current, the stronger the magnetic field.

EMF in Schools

Schools suffer from a range of radiation issues in the form of Wi-Fi. Also Earth Radiation and the biggest issue: Human-generated Bioplasmic Radiation.

Wi-Fi from the routers is not a big issue as they are generally placed high above on walls. Where the students and teachers are out of the routers charged field. It is the laptops and tablets which are the bigger problem.

Where you have groups of students all using individual wireless devices, the charged fields around the devices form a larger accumulated charged field, which causes quite a lot of EMF stress on the body.

Earth radiation, especially the very harmful Fissure Grids/Water Veins, which run north-south, are 6 metres wide and are 70 metres apart and cause a lot of Geopathic Stress in the body. If you had a crossing of a Fissure Grid in a classroom, then that could be disastrous.

“Geopathic Stress” is a term which relates to the earth radiation stress in the body.

What to do about it?

For wireless devices, such as laptops, phones, and tablets, the Mobile Phone & Wi-Fi Radiation Harmonizer neutralizes the EMF charge from these devices.

I know of some parents who put Space Clearing Domes or Aircraft cabin disks in their children’s school bags.

Orgone Ionic Personal Protection Pendants and Ener-Bands are a great protective tool, but, if your child attends a school where wearing any type of jewelry is banned, then the iron-on School Uniform Patch on their uniforms or the Ener-Soles in their shoes and runners are a nice way to have stealth radiation protection.

Lastly, the Geoclense for the classroom is a must for all concerned because the Geoclense neutralizes the charge from electrical, Wi-Fi, Earth Radiation and the human-generated Bioplasmic radiation.


