Health experts across the globe have collaborated in order to expand the idea of various neurological dilemma, their causes, symptoms and even the possible cures to it. Frequent researches that are related to the specific center of attention which is ASD or Autism have probably presented the common risk factors which is familial. This means that the genes inherited from the parents could make the child more prone to having ASD, especially when Autism have been known to run in the family. Recent studies presented  different types of autism biomarkers.

Recent Studies Revealed 2000 Autism Biomarkers

Neurological Disorder

But aside from genetic problems and other autism biomarkers, a remarkable study have shown that beyond gene expressions, other aspects could also be a good reason of the neurological disorder. Dr. Alycia Halladay, Chief Science Officer at the Autism Science Foundation, has stated that environmental epigenetics is an essential part for gene regulation according to the chemical change of DNA and histone proteins. It may correlate to the toxic or pollutants that had been harmfully exposed to a gene that could possibly trigger the genetic activity or genetic mutation. Also, infections at the time of conception is associated with a high risk of acquiring autism as these complications may link to oxygen deprivation to the brain of an infant.

The Effects of Folic Acid

Rob Waterland of Baylor College of Medicine in Texas explained the reason why maternal nutrition is very necessary to be monitored. Research shows that folic acid is needed for pregnancy nourishment which can cause a high risk of autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders. In addition, folate is also called as Vitamin B9, necessary to supplement the body, specially of a pregnant woman. It also consist of folate coenzymes that are important for synthesis of DNA.

Studies have found out that children with autism have altered folate metabolism, that concludes to theories that folate-methionine cycle play a key role in the etiology of ASD.

Recent Studies Revealed 2000 Autism Biomarkers


Some studies that use animals as a perspective model for experimentation had shown almost the similar predictions. Dr. Michael Skinner, a U.S. biologist who specializes epigenetics reported his test about the pregnant rats that were exposed in several kinds of chemicals such as fungicide, pesticides, dioxin, and jet fuel. He declared that when reproductive tract cells from the rats were examined, ovarian diseases and many types of disorders were manifested. It was related to clusters of a carbon atom and three hydrogen atoms, also named as methyl group that triggered the DNA pattern or gene coding.

Cause Still Unknown

An exact single cause for the emergence of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is still unknown. But overall, Autism is just one of the most complex disorders that has been experienced by a lot of patients around the world. Understanding the whole picture of Autism and autism biomarkers is very important, not only to the parents who worries for their children with Autism, but also for each and everyone of us. We, all, must participate in spreading awareness and in motivating actions for ASD is a serious matter.

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