Setting up Low battery alerts and why?

What are battery alerts and why should I use them?

With Track Map application you can see the entire family’s trackers and smart phones battery levels. And by setting alerts inside the rules engine you can customise alert notifications to yourself or for them to charge the devices. 

Our mobile phones are more or less our lifeline these days but we quite often forget to charge them. This is especially true with kids and elderly. By setting the notifications you can prevent getting caught out with a flat battery…

Murphy’s law has shown us that it always happens at the worst time!

Video tutorial

Written tutorial

How to set up battery alerts

1. Click on the Rules Engine icon

2. Click on Add Rule Trigger

3. Customise your “Rule Trigger”

4. Customise the “Rule Action(s)”

5. Add more actions if you prefer or save the rule

6. Confirmation message

7. Rules triggers list

8. Alert Examples (Platform Notification)

8. Alert Examples (Email Notification)

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