Alzheimer’s Australia ACT Features Maggie Beer

Alzheimer’s Australia is launching a breakfast event on August 29th featuring Maggie Beer, along with dietician Ngaire Hobbins, on August 29th in Canberra called Gather ‘Round the Table from 7am to 9am at the Australian Institute of Sport. Beer and Hobbins will speak about their viewpoint on nutrition and mental health through all age brackets.

Maggie Beer is a celebrity chef, food author, business owner and a passion keeper.  During the event, Beer will contribute her experience the encouraging of fresh and healthy food. She is dedicated to using fresh ingredients and educating people in the difference of having home-prepared food. She is focused on changing the idea of food in the fast-growing industry and busy world where almost everything is instant.

She is not shy in standing up against industries that produce massively dynamic food that are easier and cheaper to supply.

Besides her personal and family experience with dementia, her being selected Senior Australian of the Year in 2010 brought her to establishing Maggie Beer Foundation committed to promoting change to the welfare of the elderly by providing tasty food with nourishment. She advocates simple food focusing on vegetables, fish, whole grains, herbs and good fats.

The foundation builds up research and development, circulating policy ideas with elderly care providers, supporting those who are doing the right thing rather than those demeaning their residents. It specifically aims to help people with dementia to gain access to excellent delicacies full of flavor, yet very nutritious for their mental and physical health.

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Maggie is not about prohibiting desserts. However she recommends desserts made out of healthy ingredients such as milk powder, custards, honey and fruits. She is strongly particular about giving the aged both maximum nutrition and flavor to their food for good health and pleasure to their sense of taste.

In synergy with Professor Ralph Martins, famed Alzheimer’s researcher, Beer will be introducing a new cookbook  in October, Maggie’s Recipe for Life, featuring recipes for supreme brain health. The profit of this new book will benefit the Maggie Beer Foundation and the Lions Alzheimer’s Research Foundation.

Beer is excited to be in Canberra to intimately share the education she has learned for years, and join the community concerning people with dementia. She will also be catching up with her old friend and a local cooking icon, Janet Jeffs. Beer learned a lot from Jeffs about cooking and kickstarted the famous Pheasant Farm Restaurant in the Barossa Valley.