The Importance of a Long Battery Life

The Importance of Long Battery Life What is the importance of long battery life? Long battery life is a big factor to consider when purchasing a GPS tracker. It is also a bit disappointing especially if in case of an emergency and you need to use it. Having a longer...

Why is a Pet Tracker Important? My Buddy Gard

Why is a Pet Tracker Important? Trying to find a lost pet is a heart-wrenching experience because dogs are like family to us and it is very important to always keep them safe and away from any harm. We want to take all preventive measures to keep them safe. This is...

What is Neurodiversity? What You Need to Know

What is Neurodiversity? In the late 1990s, Judy Singer, a sociologist, who is on the autism spectrum herself, came up with a word to describe conditions like ADHD, Autism, and Dyslexia, this word was “neurodiversity”. Her hope and objective were to shift...

How to Help your Child with Autism

How to Help your Child with Autism As a parent, all we want for our kids is to have a brighter future. But what if you’ve learned that your child has or might have autism? No parent is ever prepared to have learned that their child has or might have autism. And...

Fun Activities for Children with Autism

Fun Activities for Children with Autism Every child would love to participate in fun activities and kids with autism are no difference. They sure will love to be part of any fun activities in school or in our own home. And here are some fun activities for children...