Things that Teens wish to say to their parents

 0 Comments Written by Princess Victoria Jul 4, 2019  04/07/2019 As Teenagers, what are some things you wish that you could say it to your parents? Well, here are some things that teens wish to say to their parents: 1. Admit when they’re wrong....

Tips in Dealing with difficult teenagers

Teenagers aren’t the same as children. As they start to mature will take control over their own life whether you want to or not. And as they gain maturity will take more control. Whether you intend to share it with them or not they’re going to take it. As...

Traits of People With True Integrity

What is the real meaning and value of integrity to you? They said that success will come and go, but Integrity remains forever. Integrity is doing the right thing even when everybody is doing the wrong thing. And even when no one is watching, you still choose to do...

Children and the Touch Screen Technology

We are now living in a digital or Technology world. And we learned that Technology is an application of science to solve problems. And Technology is supposed to make our lives easier. And Yes, make us feel more connected. And in this article, we go through on how...