BilingualismInterchanging from one task to another can be a difficult, and confusing process for most of the children with autism, yet, through the assimilation of a second language, cognitive flexibility can easily progress. Some researchers articulate that bilingualism helps a child with autism to improve the mental aspect due to switching between mental modes smoothly and quickly.

Trial and Error
According to the senior author of McGill University, Professor Aparna Nadig, this issue have been argued over the past 15 years, significantly debating about the advantages of bilingualism to the executive functions of the patients with ASD.

In fact, an experimentation was organized with a total of 40 children ages between 6 and 9, wherein 20 are diagnosed with ASD. Some groups of children are considered as bilingual and others as monolingual.

Computer-generated tests were enacted through categorizing stuff on a screen.

The participants were initially asked to sort objects by color. For instance, sorting blue rabbits and red boats as being either red or blue.

Afterwards, the children were requested to vary the things on the monitor, according to their shapes, regardless with the color.

It was found out that bilingualism in children with ASD played even better when it comes to the complex part of the task-shifting test, relative to the monolingual children with ASD. Although the working memory of the children was expected to be tantamount.  

Experts have stated that when a child with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is exposed to two or more languages, their existing language difficulties is prone for deterioration.

An author and graduate of McGill University named Ana Maria Gonzales-Barerro, PhD aforementioned that providing a more sound evidence for families is very crucial, most especially in making essential educational and child-rearing decisions.

In addition, a family who has the habit of utilizing only one type of language resides in an area where the use of more than one language is a common and valued practice (bilingual societies like in Montreal, Argentina, Brazil, Nigeria, Albania, Belgium, Denmark, and many more),  barrier between children with ASD and their community opportunities can probably emerge.

More investigation
The recent study was only a limited scope, yet, the coordinated relevant examinations impacts massively, most importantly for the children with ASD. Also, it is the experts’ plan to continue over the next three or five years to observe its development.

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