Parkinson’s disease is evaluated as a type of nervous system ailment that affects the person’s muscle control or body movements, including speech. This is the most common degenerative disorder in Canada that impacts a total of almost 100,00 citizens.

Based on an article published in Rappler, which was reviewed by Isabel Garcia, a legitimate science writer, this condition gradually begins with a barely observable trembling motion in just one part of the body. Moreover, symptoms of PD may vary from person to person. Yet, the usual signs like bradykinesia or slowed movement, rigid muscles, Impaired posture and balance, loss of automatic movements, and stagnation in other psychomotor abilities may appear.  

Cardiolipin and Its Role in the Treatment of Parkinson’s DiseaseHow does Parkinson’s Disease scientifically occur?

National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NIH) explained how nerve cells work and how is it related to Parkinson’s Disease. Human brain might produce newborn neurons that help build neural circuits. These are responsible for sending and receiving nerve impulses or messages throughout the body. These impulses are passed from neuron to neuron, moving quickly from the brain to the spinal cord and, finally to the muscles.

Another, when dopamine receptors, also referred to as neurotransmitters, are not sufficiently stimulated, the subthalamic nucleus (STN) becomes overactive and acts as a brake on the globus pallidus interna (GPi). As an unfortunate result, shutdown of motion and other physical involuntary movements starts to emerge.

What more is the connection of Alpha-synuclein in Parkinson’s disease?

Some scientists believe that a protein called Alpha-synuclein which plays a big part in the healthy functions of neurotransmitters (dopamine cells) in the brain cells.

According to Prof. Scott Ryan from the University of Guelph in Canada, when these substances are misfolded, it may result to protein deposits that are considered toxic to the nerve cells.  When these deposits accumulate, nerve cells eventually die.

How can the misfolding of Alpha-synuclein be prevented?

Prof. Scott also mentioned that Cardiolipin is an important membrane component of mitochondria, inside the nerve cells. Furthermore, this molecule is crucial in ensuring alpha-synuclein to fold and refold properly, so that it transforms into its non-toxic shape.

The scientist also discovered the reduction of buffering capacity in the cells that created to mutation forms of alpha-synuclein which links to familial factors of Parkinson’s disease.

He and his colleagues are still experimenting on animal models so that they could totally understand how Cardiolipin exactly works in the brain cells. At least, they now have better comprehension of the death of the nerve cells to the acquisition of Parkinson’s disease.

Professor Ryan said that the great contribution of Cardiolipin in the brain cells motivated them to investigate further so that they could formulate a new drug that is plausible to treat PD, and to determine its solitary cause.

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