Your Personal GPS Tracking Checklist – Choosing a secure and reputable company!

In today’s fast-paced world, safeguarding the well-being of our loved ones, especially those with a neurodiverse/ ASD child or an elderly family member living with dementia, is a top priority. Personal GPS tracking provides an essential extra layer of safety and peace of mind for these families. However, not all GPS tracking companies offer the same quality and reliability. Choosing the right provider is critical, as it directly impacts your ability to protect and monitor your loved ones effectively. Here’s how to make an informed choice!

1. Choose Modern Tech! Opt for 4G+ GPS Trackers!

One of the most crucial aspects of GPS tracking is ensuring your device is compatible with up-to-date network technology. Opt for GPS tracking companies that use modern networks such as 4G, which offer better coverage and improved performance. Avoid providers that rely on outdated networks like 3G, as these may no longer function effectively due to being phased out by telecommunication providers. Selecting a tracker with current network technology ensures reliable, long-term functionality for the safety and peace of mind of your loved ones.

2. Focus on App Security, Data Privacy

A secure, well-maintained app is vital for safeguarding your personal data.  Avoid services with unsecured apps or apps hosted overseas.  Look for companies that prioritise app security, store their data in Australia and adhere to local data protection regulations.

3. Prioritise Responsive Customer Service

Responsive and accessible customer service is key when you need help.  Evaluate a company’s customer service by checking their availability.  Also check if there are options on how to contact…phone, email, webchat, or Social Media.  Companies that prioritise customer service can quickly troubleshoot and resolve any issue providing a smooth experience.

4. Verify Reviews and Reputation

Researching a company’s reputation through online reviews can give you a sense of their reliability and customer satisfaction.  Positive feedback is a strong indicator of quality services and a trusted provider.   But always read the company response if a customer has had a concern to get ‘both sides’ of the situation.

5. Strive for Australian Ownership and Operation!

Opting for an Australian-owned and operated company ensures that you receive products and services that adhere to the highest standards and will be held accountable if Government standards are not met.  Supporting an Australian-owned business also helps keep jobs and investment within the country, contributing to the local economy.

6. Evaluate the Product Features and Usability!

Look for a comprehensive feature list that includes real-time tracking, geofencing, SOS, Find Function, Listen In Function, and Stored History.  Additionally, enquire if you will receive help in setting up the device after your purchase.

7. Confirm the Company is Still Trading!

Before making your decision, verify whether the company you are considering is still trading and in good financial standing.  Check the company’s website for recent updates and/or news.  You can also search for information on government business registries and other google searches.  Opting for a company with a stable track record can ensure the solution for your loved one is secure and long-lasting.

By taking the above factors into consideration, you can make an informed decision when choosing a personal GPS tracking company.  At My Buddy Gard, we pride ourselves on offering up-to-date technology, a secure and reliable app and exceptional customer service as an Australian owned and operated business.

We’d love to be considered when choosing a personal GPS tracker for your loved one.  Reach out and we will answer any questions you may have.