Job-hunting could now be a less frightening experience for an adult dealing with Autism, essentially, due to the greater chance for them to advance in a workplace. Aside from government assistance that serves as a great aid, another comprehensive developmental approach, named as Cognitive Enhancement Therapy (CET), has been currently identified by several known Australian specialists..

Process; Daily Tasks, Group Collaborations, Mental Exercises, etc.

Professor Shaun M. Eack who concentrates on development, implementation, and evaluation of psycho-social treatment methodologies, including his group involved 7 women and 47 men with autism, aged 16 to 45.

Based on the examination, Cognitive Enhancement Therapy (CET) and or supportive counseling were given to the patients within 18 months.

It was found out that almost 29 among all participants who performed computer-based tasks for an hour each week, enhanced their critical thinking and mastery skills.

Cognitive Enhancement Therapy to Help Adults with Autism Obtain CareersFurthermore, other assignments such as typing certain letters have increased their speed and accuracy which also provided more positively desirable employment results.

Also, some applied experiments altogether with other patients increased their potential to better socialization.

In addition, the activities which were participated by these individuals, somehow, triggered their initiatives to behave appropriately in different day-to-day ordinary events.

In the other hand, the rest who received ‘enriched supportive therapy’ for one hour per week, learned strategies in controlling their emotions  and surviving their stress.

Beneficial Effects

Based on studies, this type of remedy is considered as a portal intended to reinforce social adjustments, and to recover various intellectual capabilities of the person.

Dr. Gerard Hogarty from University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine stated that persons with Autism, schizophrenia, and other  neurological disorders can already achieve easier everyday life for the reason that eliminating hindrances to occupational stability and terminating stereotypes is vividly possible.

Overall, the patients who have undergone Cognitive Enhancement Therapy (CET) and other mentioned forms of medication,  acquired higher scores on social learning methods than the control group, although, the gap faded at 18 months. Therefore, result concluded that both treatments are efficient.

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