Dementia-friendly Christmas Gift Ideas

Christmas is one of those fun-filled holidays celebrated by many. Christmas trees and other decorations are displayed everywhere. Christmas songs are being played in houses, malls and public places. Festive activities such as giving or exchanging gifts and going to parties are enjoyed by all ages. However, it is important to make Christmas season the best for seniors with dementia and Alzheimer’s, and looking for the perfect meaningful dementia-friendly Christmas gift ideas for people with dementia can be tricky.

At first, Alzheimer’s Association recommends to consider what stage of disease their loved one is in. Gifts in the later stages of Alzheimer’s are different from the ones in the earlier stages because sensory stimulating gifts are highly needed.

Here are dementia-friendly Christmas gift ideas by stage:

Dementia-friendly-Christmas-Gift-IdeasEarly Stage

  1. Activity books or board games
  2. Memorable photo album or scrapbook
  3. Mobile phones that can store photos with names and contact information

People also read: 7 Common Types of Memory Disorders

Middle StageDementia-friendly-Christmas-Gift-Ideas

  1. Large clock that shows both the date and time
  2. Automatic nightlights that will light as soon as it gets dark
  3. Automatic medication dispenser

Late StageDementia-friendly-Christmas-Gift-Ideas

  1. Bathrobe or blanket in a favorite color
  2. Music and CD’s that inspire reminiscing the memories
  3. GPS tracking device

Dementia products either make daily life for seniors a bit easier or they bring fun and pleasure. There are numerous choices of gifts to give such as Dementia Jigsaw, music player, memory calendar, Flipper Big Button remote control, cosy clothing and companion pets. It is important to consider whether the gift is at their interest and is it practical or pleasurable. Avoid buying children’s toys as it can be demeaning, sweets and chocolates which can pose chewing and swallowing issues, and complicated latest technology that can cause confusion and stress for seniors.

Shopping Christmas presents for seniors with dementia will no longer be a challenge. Always remember to be mindful with the gifts. Buy those that are stage-appropriate toys, comfortable clothing, or music with healing harmony.

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