People around the world are being diagnosed with autism, mostly done during their childhood. However, there are times whereby autism remains undetected throughout childhood and later come out during adult life.

Elderly autism is not a very common condition.Elderly-Autism-and-Its-Effect-in-Aging

It’s a topic that has been misunderstood and sometimes neglected. The reality is, age doesn’t limit people from being diagnosed with autism, they may be too young and others are too old.

What is the Effect of Autism to Elderly?

Autism can bring a series of problems throughout adulthood, but what more can it possibly bring during elderly stage? Autism spectrum disorder is an umbrella phrase for mental conditions that affect a person’s interests, social interactions, behaviour, and communication.

Agoraphobia and Autism

Most elders find it difficult already to get out of the house and to meet new people even when they are healthy, but for elders on the autism spectrum it will be a whole different level of struggles. Adults with the condition can experience behavioural issues and social interaction associated with autism.

Autism TriggersElderly-Autism-and-Its-Effect-in-Aging

Moreover, there are certain circumstances that may trigger some people to develop symptoms of autism. For example, elders may enjoy making repetitive movements with their hands or feet causing them to develop autistic behaviour.

They can also develop extreme vulnerability towards social misunderstandings. Nevertheless, there are many different ways autism can manifest to an individual.  

Since No Cure for Autism Yet

Since there is no actual cure for autism due to its complexity of mental conditions, there are still treatments that can greatly help them to cope with their difficulties. Therapy is an example of treatment they can have to improve social skills and behaviour along with motor and sensory interventions.

Counselling ProgramsElderly-Autism-and-Its-Effect-in-Aging3

However, people have to be aware that the effectiveness of those kinds of treatments among the elders may not be 100% effective as it often needs to be administered in their early lives.  Counselling and programmes related on social learning, life skills, etc can aid them understand and cope better with their condition.

There is an upside of having autism in the elderly.

There are many autistic professionals that made them famous despite having diagnosed with autism. People like Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Tim Burton, Marty Balin, Dan Harmon and many more are famous for their extraordinary “gift”- skills. Some of them are musicians, directors, actors, artist, singers, computer/IT experts, and historians.

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