family health from diabetes to dementiaCraving food from time to time is totally irresistible yet to keep a healthy balance of nutrients in the body is very much necessary. However, it might be a difficult process since almost every food contains sugar — from pastries, meat, dairy products, fruits, and even to vegetables; there is no escape. This somewhat shows the sweet agony of millions of folks across the globe who are diagnosed with Diabetes.

It has been known that this illness remains the leading cause of kidney failure, stroke, leg or arm amputations, etc.. But a recent medical research have stated that Diabetes may also result in Dementia.

Further Explanations

According to Alzheimer’s Association, people who have Type 2 Diabetes have a higher risk of developing Alzheimer’s. This is because the production of unnecessary amount of insulin could poison the brain through the spreading of toxic proteins. These harmful substances are also found in Alzheimer’s patients.

family health from diabetes to dementiaAnother, Edward McNay at Albany University added that when Diabetes is not controlled, there is a great possibility of sharp decline of cognitive functions or the so called “brain tangles”. In fact, over 120 out of 500 older adults with type 2 diabetes was evaluated. Shockingly, the signs of mild cognitive impairment and neurodegenerative problems have been detected.

Moreover,  Dr. Velandai Srikanth, geriatrician at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia believes that other elements of  type 2 diabetes, such as obesity, chronically high blood sugar levels or even degeneration in brain tissues may be at play.

Possible Solutions and Experts’ Suggestions

Aside from the supplements recommended by the doctors, exercise is one of the most essential outlet for losing weight, and maintaining a fit body.

Dr. Sheri Colberg-Ochs from Old Dominion University expressed that there are around hundred forms of exercise and usually depends upon the patient and the patient’s condition. Nevertheless, the most appropriate, and convenient for a Diabetic person is walking.

family health from diabetes to dementiaShe said that walking at least 30 minutes or more  three days a week is very beneficial since it modulates blood glucose level, enhances the body’s ability to use insulin, reduces the risk of heart disease, raises good cholesterol levels while in the other hand, it lowers bad cholesterol level.

In terms of diet, eating is never forgotten. National Institute of Diabetes indicated that eating the right food contributes tremendous positive effects in the body. Appropriate planning for a meal monitors how much minerals you intake, and how much you should limit, so that the body could properly respond to its defence mechanism against the undesirable rise in blood glucose.

In addition,  researchers have shared that choosing healthier alternatives is a nourishment. For instance, frying to steaming, sodas to water, creamy desserts to fruits, red meat to white meat, and many more to mention.

People also read: Healthy Lifestyle for a Longer Life