Father’s Day Celebration

In most countries, Father’s Day is being celebrated every 3rd Sunday of June. But in Australia, they celebrate it every first Sunday of September. And this year it will be on the 5th of September 2021.

First, we need to point out that Australia isn’t alone in its September Father’s Day celebrations. In fact, we are one of four countries where the event is being observed on the first Sunday in September. Others include Fiji, Papua New Guinea, and New Zealand.

Father's Day

Other countries also picked up on the idea of Father’s Day. While many followed suit by celebrating it on the third Sunday in June, some decided to honour dad on different dates.

  • March 14– Iran
  • March 19– Bolivia, Honduras, Italy, Lichtenstein, Portugal, Spain
  • May 8– South Korea
  • First Sunday in June– Lithuania
  • Second Sunday in June– Austria, Ecuador, Belgium
  • Third Sunday in June– Antigua, Bahamas, Bangladesh, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Columbia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Cyprus, Czech Republic, France, Greece, Guyana, Hong Kong, India, Ireland, Jamaica, Japan, Malaysia, Malta, Mauritius, Mexico, Netherlands, Pakistan, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Puerto Rico, Saint Vincent, Singapore, Slovakia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, Trinidad, Turkey, United Kingdom, Venezuela, Zimbabwe
  • June 17– El Salvador, Guatemala
  • June 23– Nicaragua, Poland, Uganda
  • Second Sunday in July– Uruguay
  • Last Sunday in July– Dominican Republic
  • Second Sunday in August– Brazil
  • August 8– Taiwan, China
  • August 24– Argentina
  • First Sunday in September– Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, Papua New Guinea
  • New Moon of September– Nepal
  • First Sunday in October– Luxembourg
  • Second Sunday in November– Estonia, Finland, Norway, Sweden
  • December 5– Thailand

Endearing ways to say “Father” around the world


Dad, Daddy, Father, Papa, Pa, Pops


Isa, Issi


Itay, Itang, Tang, Tay, Tatay, Pa, Papa, Pops, Daddy, Dad, Dadi


Oto-san, To-san, Oyaji,


Papa, Pà, Babbo (in some regions like Tuscany)


Dad, Daddy, Papa


Bố, Ba, Tía, Cha, Bọ, Thầy, Cậu


Ata or Ati

Father's Day
Father's Day

And for Father’s day, all we want is to spoil our Fathers will so much love and gifts too. And if you are thinking of a gift why not get a buddy tracker for them. We are on sale get a 20% off on all our buddy trackers until 12 September 2021. Visit our website mybuddygard.com.au to get your 20% off code.

Do you have a special name you call your father or a unique way of celebrating Father’s Day in your country? I call my Father “Tatang”, how about you? Share them with us!