Throughout the years, Australia had been incredible in terms of military defenses, sagacious strategies, and valiant determination that helped them manage the remarkable survival scheme from historical nation-to-nation combats, restoring the economy, and most importantly building up their homes again. However, there’s one more conflict that they cannot escape from — generation gap.

Generation Gap InterpretationBridging Generation Gap in Australian Families

Generation gap is far more beyond than just debate regarding with the people’s most favourable period of time; the digital era or the classic one. Instead, It may lead to deeper cracks in the relationship between families. And every crack must be immediately sealed because it could transform a home into just an abandoned residential place, or worse, ruins of a demolished building.

Causes and Consequences

William Safire, an American author, columnist, and one of the journalist of The New York Times Magazine shared his idea of Generation Gap. He stated that  lack of clear and calm communication between young and old members of the family is one of the main causes of this issue.

Meanwhile, the population of senior citizens in Australia is more numerous than the younger ones. According to Bernice Daher, the executive director of Just Better Care Community Services at Sydney, Australia Ozzy grandparents who are often lonely due to physical and physiological complications, and isolation has the great possibility of experiencing social role changes that challenge their sense of self and capacity to live happily.

In the other hand, the minors who spends their time, mostly on technology engagement who are frequently low in self esteem might undergo depression that could result to suicide. This is one of the main causes of death among the Australian youth.

Cease FireBridging Generation Gap in Australian Families

There are plenty of appropriate ways  that could be applied in order to stitch  up the generation gap. Innovative plans and tranquil resolutions always starts at home.  Australia is a fun place and several indoor and outdoor activities can be done in order to strengthen the family’s bonding.

Studies have shown that sharing stories and experiences is one of the best ways to improve family relationship. Younger members have a lot to learn from the older member’s experiences.

A research conducted by Queensland’s Bond University and the Interactive* Games & Entertainment Association that older people can also gain knowledge from the younger ones through the use of technological devices. In fact, 43 percent of  seniors aged 65 and up are now  enjoying video games with their grandchildren, as stated by Digital Australia 2018.

Holidays can be so much useful to Australian families. Going on adventure together is also another healthy way to enhance the sense of togetherness. There are over 50 unforgettable tourist spots that can be appreciated even by the older members of the family.

Family is one of the most essential foundations to a person’s character. Love should be the only thing that must surround them.