Nurture refers to all the environmental variable that impact who we are. It includes our early childhood experiences. How we are growing up, our social relationships, and our surrounding culture.
Kids are individuals. They are unique and incomparable. Other’s are born with more self-esteem and others are not.
In nurturing our children we are the expert to do it as parents. But, we forget at times that we are responsible to take care of our children and give them the best that we can for them.
Yes, Parenting is a difficult job, But Nurturing our children the right way is the fruit of our labor.
1. Know that there are stages to go through in child development. That way, you know what to expect and what not to your little ones.
2. Spending quality time by encouraging them to be open. Communication is important. And expressing and respecting one’s feelings are critical. Teach them how to react and respond to their emotions in a more positive approach.
3. Listen and Understand your child. Focus more on the positives. And encourage questions.
4. Help them to develop their talents and skills. And let them realized that in honing their talents and skills is not easy, to begin with. They will need to go to that learning curve.
5. Love UNCONDITIONALLY. You always love your children No Ifs and not Buts. And parental love is the only love that is selfless and forgiving.
6. Do not expect your kids to be perfect. Some parents expect way too much from their children. Let us not expect that they have to be good all the time. Also, act older than they are and behave like other kids. Again, they are unique and incomparable
I know that as a parent, we always want the best for our kids. We can only do so much. But the clock is ticking let us nurture them and let them feel that they are kids. KUDOS to all the parents out there!