There are tons of benefits to having a GPS Tracking for some businesses. Anything that offers benefits, you’ll encounter challenges. The issue we hear about time and time again is the challenge a remote workforce presents to managers. After all, how can you manage team members when you can’t see them? And in this article, we check on how can GPS tracking improve your business.
I recently checked out some GPS tracking apps that can benefit small businesses. and here’s what I learned:
1. Automated timesheets and payroll
Many companies are losing time and productivity. And this is by having their employees fill out time sheets. And which employers then have to collect and process. But automating this process can help cut fraudulent time-keeping and inaccuracies.
By using a GPS-automated system. You can ensure that your employees are actually at work when they punch in. And be sure they are not using company time for personal errands or tasks.
This is especially significant for fleet management.
Easy access-reporting allows you to export the worked hours. You no longer have to track your employees down for time sheets or check to ensure they added up their time.
2. Improved employee productivity and communication
Blame human nature: But people are more productive when they’re monitored. If you thought someone was watching everything you did, there are a lot of things you wouldn’t dream of doing!
A new study by psychology researcher Devasheesh Bhave. Higher performance has something to do with electronic monitoring.
This study was observing call centers. But these findings also apply to delivery and transportation. Having a vehicle-tracking system ensures your workforce. And will opt for the most efficient routes and complete the tasks at their scheduled locations in an efficient matter
Monitoring further allows the employer the ability to review the time. The time it takes an employee to reach a place. Complete a specified task. To check whether the employee is trainable. And figure out what is still missing or lacking.  
Using mobile apps to get in touch with people on your team can save you a lot of headaches. When you’re looking for the right app, choose one that you can also access from mobile devices and desktops. And allows you to send private messages as well as share information within teams.
3. Better customer service
At the end of the day, if the changes you are making are not benefiting your customer, are the changes worthwhile?
You can see where all your company vehicles located with a few clicks. And send the closest employee to a specific customer. Improving productivity and eliminating cost-eating manual processes, save your company money. And pass those savings on to your customers, as well. 
4. Reduced insurance costs
If your employees know that they are being tracked. And that you will test who is following procedures and safe practices. (and who is not), they will be more likely to support the methods and practices you’ve outlined. This will cut down on accidents and costly tickets and thus provide you with a better insurance rate. What’s more, should a vehicle be stolen, your GPS system will allow the police to trace and track down your car. Minimizing your risk in these areas, in turn, will help you save on insurance premiums.