How GPS Has Changed Our Lives
GPS or Global Positioning System has become an essential part of our everyday life. So, how GPS has changed our lives?
Technology advances make it easier for each and every one. And because it is also affordable nowadays it is easy for us to own a GPS too.
Almost everyone knows about GPS. We even have a GPS application and services available through our smartphones.
How GPS change through the years?
Before, GPS was originally developed for the US military. This also gave the US military advantage over other countries. A GPS enabled device will locate several GPS satellites, and send them each a signal.
Road Navigation
Before, traveling to some places, we rely on the road signs, maps or even asking someone about the place, right? But because GPS made transportation easier we don’t need to stop and ask someone in the middle of nowhere.
Today all you need to do is to get from point A to point B, log it on your vehicle’s GPS and it will tell you where to go. Going to unfamiliar places will be as easy as 1 2 3! You will not be afraid anymore about getting lost while traveling.

Companies especially logistics companies use a GPS system to track the whereabouts of their drivers. So they can monitor them and know if work is being done. GPS provides real-time data such as total drive time, the number of stops made and the average speed of travel.
Location of a family member
Used to keep track of elderly family members, children, and pets.
- Elderly people with Alzheimer’s or Dementia
- Children’s with mental illness or even those who don’t
- Pets that are like family to us
We use GPS with our family to help protect them in case of an emergency.
My Buddy Gard offers watch trackers for kids and adults.

Theft recovery
GPS systems can help in tracking stolen valuables, like cars and any type of vehicle that are very valuable to us. Cars especially classical cars are very hard to replace and of course, you don’t want them to get lost, right?
My Buddy Gard offers Car Buddy Tracker
Marine and Air navigation
Airlines and marine use GPS to guide them safely from one location to another. Marines and airlines require to pinpoint accuracy otherwise sailors, pilot, and their passengers live out into danger.
Weather satellites, satellite imaging, and sea-depth-reading devices all utilize GPS technology. And they are crucial to our survival whether when we’re out at sea or traveling through the air.