We want to keep our family safe all the time. But sadly, our family members and loved ones can’t always be safe at home. So, how do we make sure that they are safe and secure when we’re not with them or can’t watch over them 24/7?

Luckily, our buddy tracker has an SOS button that you can click and call for help anytime. With just one click, it will automatically call the stored SOS number once the wearer pushes the SOS button for 3+ seconds. We can also send fully customised SMS or Email notifications to other family members if needed!

With the SOS button, you can keep an eye on your loved ones 24/7.

With the SOS button, you can keep an eye on your loved ones 24/7.

The wearer can simply click on the SOS button on the side of the watch or the circle button on the pendant and call for help.

Allows your child to “Call for help” the moment they are distressed. You can talk to your child instantly and give reassurance or direction (“Dad’s on his way now, stay there!”). Nothing soothes an anxious child better than hearing the voice of a loved one!

Your elderly loved one can call you the instant they get disoriented and lost “I just popped out to buy milk but I can’t seem to work out where I am.” You look on your “Track Map” and see where everyone is to determine who in your support team is closest. You can talk to them directly, steer them home, or get them to stay still and send help immediately.

When the SOS button is pressed it also automatically puts the device into “Fast Tracking Mode” for 3 minutes. And increases the upload rate to 30 seconds for the duration.

Now you don’t need to worry when you are not with them, because with the SOS function it’s like you still watch over them all the time.

With My Buddy Tracker, it’s like having your own personal bodyguard that helps keep your loved one safe 24/7!

We believe that when it comes to the safety of your loved ones, you deserve the best system available.

Get your buddy tracker today!