Importance of Owning Pets to Human Health

Health’s best friend too?

Importance of owning pets to human health, studies revealed. To have a pet in the house brings a positive and lively energy that would be benefited by greatly improving the physical and mental health of the owners. Pets are known to be ‘man’s best friend’ and it has been proven, by many experts, the impact pets can make to people’s lives.

Less Anxiety and Less Depression

A spokeswoman for The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, Clare Ballingall, said that there is an increasing amount of research focusing on pets improving human health. According to Dr. Ballingall, “studies have shown that owning pets can likely to develop less anxiety and depression – loneliness is a huge risk factor for poor mental health and our pets provide companionship and a sense of purpose”. In addition, a research called “The Effects of Animals on Human Health and Wellbeing” has provided evidence that companion animals can definitely improve health and quality of life.

Moreover, an associate professor for the school of population at the University of Western Australia – Lisa Wood said that “UWA has led some key studies internationally about the physical activity benefits of owning pets for both adults and children”. One of her colleague, Dr. Hayley Christian, has conducted a research which presented that dog owners are more likely to achieve recommended levels of physical activity than those who don’t have a dog. Also, based on the recent study that was undertaken in Perth and three cities in the United States, walking with a dog provides a sense of security to the owner which makes them feel safer.

Motivational Benefits

Owning a pet provides physical and psychological advantages wholeheartedly. Pets can bring joy to the owners. They give a sense of responsibility and radically enhances the sense of belongingness which is one of the biggest mental benefits to have.

Here’s a few list of advantages by owning a pet:

  1. Pets can become instant workout buddies
  2. Pets can help reduce blood pressure and stress
  3. Pets can help combat loneliness and stress
  4. Pets can help improve social skills
  5. Pets can bring a sense of belongingness and security

Furthermore according to Kate Lindsey, an animal behaviourist at Kalmpets, “pet owners are shown to cope significantly better with life stressors”. A lot of people struggling from diseases, marriage break-ups, traumas, etc were able to counter the stress and anxiety because of their companion animals. Additionally, Dr. Wood mentioned there’s also research that was done representing that there’s a higher level of oxytocin so-called “love hormone” observed when people interact with their pets. This hormone has physical and psychological effects affecting social behaviour and emotion of the human.    

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