Schools conduct physical exercises among children to help improve physical ability. Exercises don’t only Top 5 Fun Exercises to Improve Autism Symptomsimprove health and fitness, but they also develop intellectual, emotional and social skills. Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) are no different. Statistics show the increasing number of children with autism developing obesity and diabetes each year. Metabolic Syndrome also developed due to lack of motor activities, social interaction, endurance and balance. Research suggests that children with autism need physical exercises to improve autism symptoms and communication.

SoPAC 2016 Annual Conference

A study was presented at the Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapy’s Association Section on Pediatrics (SoPAC) 2016 Annual Conference concludes that despite having challenges and a huge amount of missing information to complete a comprehensive research of the effect of the exercise program, they found that the 4-month exercise program resulted to meaningful improvements in both social responsiveness and physical strength. Another study concluded the short-term reduction in most common autism symptoms of children with ASD as well as decrease aggression.

Here are the top 5 fun exercises to improve autism symptoms.

Bear CrawlTop 5 Fun Exercises to Improve Autism Symptoms

Bear crawl is an upper body exercise that builds strength and muscular endurance. It helps improve body awareness and healthier physic. All you have to do is crouch down with hands under the shoulders and knees under hips. Then crawl forward with your right hand and left foot, then left hand with right foot and start walking around.

Mirror Drama

Social interactions is one of the most difficult challenges for a child with autism. Mirror drama exercise motivates a child to copy what another person is doing which increases coordination and develops social skills. This works with a partner, and the activity will be facing each other and imitating the partner’s actions and facial expressions.

The Star Jump

Star jumps helps strengthen the legs and gives a healthier cardiovascular stamina. It can be performed by individual or by group anywhere. Start with a squatting position with knees bent and arms tucked in to the chest. Quickly jump from squatting and legs wide into a form of X. Then return to the original position.

Med Ball SlamsTop 5 Fun Exercises to Improve Autism Symptoms

Throwing weighted objects can strengthen the muscles in the arms and improves balance. Medicine Ball Slams are simple. You only have to lift the ball and launch to the floor, pick it up and do it again.

Arm Circles

Arm circles is an upper-body exercise that builds flexibility and strength in the shoulders and arms. Besides the fact, arm circles help reduce repetitive behavior according to research. Start with standing with feet shoulder-width apart and arms extended out to the side at the height of your shoulders. Make small circles with hands and arms straight and gradually make the circles bigger and bigger, until it creates a movement on the shoulders.

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