“Beauty is not about having a pretty face. It is about having a pretty mind, a pretty heart, and most importantly, a beautiful soul.

Life is temporal. And as individual we live life and learn. Learning is a continuous process. But there are things that most people take a lifetime to learn.

Here are the life lessons that must learn and apply as time is fleeting in living your life as it is. We only live once might as well live life as if it was your last.

1. Failures are Lessons in Disguise.

“Failure doesn’t mean that you are a failure. It means that you haven’t succeeded yet.” We learn from our mistakes and we improve as an individual. We take failure as a challenge to grow more and live better. When you fall down learn to stand back up. And treat failure as a blessing as it teaches us to face our fears.

2. Live in the moment.

Sometimes the best way to enjoy your day is to live in the moment. Focus on what you have at the moment and enjoy every bit of it. Being conscious and aware in the present is what matters to achieve your happiness at the end of the day. Let us not worry first in the future but what we have right now is the essential of life.

3. Live for yourself

Worrying less about others could be the best thing you ever do. This starts when you worry less about other people and start taking care of yourself. Your happiness doesn’t depend to other people happiness. Live life the way you want and not the way other people want you to be.

4. Work Hard, But Don’t Work too hard.

Sometimes working hard doesn’t make you successful. But working smarter does. Choose a career nor a job that you have a passion to do it. And that makes you feel that you are not working hard at all. Rather it makes you keep on doing what you are doing. Dream big and make it happen. and spend enough time with those people who meant the most.

5. Procastination Turns You into a slave.

Time is always ticking. Know how to focus on and value your time. Time is precious to waste it. When you start procrastinate, you hold back all the possible opportunities that might come to you. Be proactive and handle what needs to be done now and not later.

6.Actions speak Louder than Words.

Supporting what you say and not just merely words. When you say that you will quit smoking then do it. And when you say sorry to the person you hurt, make it sincere and refrain from doing the same mistakes over again.
If you can talk the talk, you should walk the walk. Be true to the words that leave your mouth, but trust others based on their actions rather than their words.

7. Kindness is so Important.

Always be a little kinder than necessary. No matter how bad your day is, learn to be nice to people. This is one of the great things in life that can make a world go round. Learn to pay it forward. After all when you do good, good karma is always on the watch. It will brings positive on you.

8. Show Gratitude.

Always be thankful for everything that you do. It can be tough at times but be grateful for the challenges. Look for what you do have and always be contented. Appreciate your strengths and weaknesses. And help other people especially those who need your help. Your gratitude should speaks for itself.

Life’s like a play: it’s not the length, but the excellence of the acting that matters. Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking. Our life always expresses the result of our dominant thoughts. And I say, the meaning of life is what you make it.

Written by Simon Konks

May 28, 2019

Today, I choose life. Every morning when I wake up I cvan choose joy, happiness, negativity, pain. To feel freedom that comes from being able to continue to make mistakes and choices-TODAY, I choose to feel life, not to deniy my humanity but EMBRACE it!


“Be the change that you wish to see in the world”

– Mahatma Gandhi-

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