M2MOne.nz Connected News – My Buddy Gard

What an exciting time to be in IoT (Internet of Things) with new and innovative ecosystems being launched by all our existing and new customers joining the team.

Customers are in full roll out mode of Cat-M1/LTE-M enabled devices on the Spark network and momentum continues to build with LoRaWAN use cases as more and more sensors supporting AS923 become available.

We are also seeing a lot of private LoRaWAN AS923 networks being deployed by a range of partners. We support 3G/4G back-haul for a range of LoRaWAN private network customers. If you are thinking of going with private networks, we also recommended that you consider Spark public LoRaWAN network and all the cost structures before deploying private networks and entering network management business. If it’s not your core then talk to us.

The battle of 5G gets real in December 2019 as NZ operators gear up to launch 5G, the technology powering driverless cars, the Internet of Things, and Emirates Team New Zealand who run multiple live video streams and real-time analytics back on base. 5G, the fifth generation of wireless technology, will bring super-fast downloads, minimal latency, massive connectivity and outstanding reliability. It will open up huge possibilities for the Internet of Things, for business and the way we live. We have been lucky enough to take a few partners through the Spark 5G Innovation Lab and discuss IoT phase 1 applications, and also have the opportunity to work in the Spark 5G Co-working Lab space to test potential IoT 5G Ecosystems. Contact us if you are keen to join our next 5G Spark Lab tour or interested to test early 5G IoT Ecosystem.

Thank you for your continued support.

We love helping to simplify IoT and connecting IoT Ecosystems everywhere.

M2M One NZ Team

Group Data Plans 

We would like to let you know, we have finally started to implement more extensive Group Data Plans to support you and to help you expand your fleet with shared data. As we launch these new Flexible/Group Data plans we are updating our terms of use during December.

How do Flexible/Group Plan work?
  • Each SIM’s data allowance is shared with all SIMs on the same Group/Flexible M2M Data Plan. e.g. 4 x sims with 5MB Flexible data = 20MB to share/month Total Group/Flexible Pool. Note: SIMs must be in ‘Activated’ state to share data and be on the same data plan to be in the group. Excess usage charges apply if the total Flexible monthly data allowance is exceeded. Excess Usage is charged per MB where 1MB = 1024KB

Did You Know?

  1. Telstra have announced that they will be phasing out 3G (850Mhz) network in June 2024. Telstra is always the trend setter and other operators will follow. We are gathering more formal communications from Spark and will provide more data as it becomes available but at this stage Spark has no official 3G plans of phase out at this stage. 
  2. New Zealand 5G nationwide frequency selected is 3.5GHz and the auction is set for 2020. We will need to keep an eye on the lower frequencies that the NZ Operators will also be using for 5G to ensure compatibility as they plan roll out in 2020. 
  3. M2M One provides IoT design and workshops to scope out best fit connectivity solutions and IoT cooperative partner ecosystems, if you are looking for help. 
  4. M2M One is a focused IoT expert and a one stop shop for all connectivity solutions 3G/4G & 5G (when available); Cat-M1/LTE M; LoRaWAN AS923 and NB-IoT (when available). 
  5. You can place your IoT SIM orders or upgrades by email to [email protected] and use [email protected] for any other questions. We have 6 people ready to respond to your emails within business hours.


M2M One Control Centre Tips

Each month we bring you tips and tricks for getting the most value out of the M2M Control Centre.

Test Ready

This month – a reminder on the Test Ready Status. By default when M2M One NZ ship SIM cards to you with data plans loaded, they will be available in your Control Centre account in a state called Test Ready.


When a SIM is in “Test Ready” state it is live, and provisioned to use the Spark mobile network. However the SIM doesn’t become billable until you use either:
20KBs of data
Any amount of voice calling.
Then, the SIM automatically transitions to “Activated”.

This means you can hold a stock of SIMs and use them whenever you need them without needing to call, email or even press a button to get connected.
Have more questions about the M2M Control Centre or want some training?
Contact your M2M One account manager

M2M One Support

Need help with your services? Log a ticket with our customer support team…

Send us an email to [email protected] to open a support ticket for a quick response. You can also use our support portal at https://support.m2mone.co.nz to engage with support. During business hours, you can talk directly to our team at 0508 888 626.

For expedient service it helps to have the following SIM information available:

  • ICCID(s), MSISDN(s), or your custom label name(s) of the affected services
  • Approximate time the issues began
  • Approximate location of the affected services

Source: https: M2MOne.nz