National Pet Obesity Awareness 2021

We all love our pets a lot, right? And sometimes we tend to love them a bit much!  Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with that. But overfeeding our pets with food is never a good idea. Overfeeding with love is a YES but with food is a NO-NO, we need to balance it.

Our pets come in all shapes and sizes, but sometimes size can get a little out of hand. Believe it or not, our pets suffer from obesity too.

Not only does it affect their general health, but it also reduces their quality of life.  Pet obesity can lead to serious health issues. Including diabetes, arthritis, decreased life expectancy, high blood pressure and cancer. Scary, right? No one would like these things to happen to their pets.

National Pet Obesity Awareness 2021

How to be part of the National Pet Obesity Awareness?

If you think your pet is obese, there are a lot of things to help them lose weight.

1. Take your dog for a walk

Not only giving your pet dog exercise, but it is also good for you. Walking is a good exercise for both pets and humans so why not make a bonding moment for you and your pet.

Physical and mental stimulation is important in keeping your pet happy and healthy. Take your dog for regular walks in the park.

And play with your cat for at least five minutes twice daily.

National Pet Obesity Awareness 2021

2. Feed them the right food

“Dog food”, they don’t call it dog food for nothing, right? And aside from the regular dog food, we can also give them cooked vegetables like steam broccoli. Chicken breast is also a good source of protein. We should avoid foods high in fat, sugar and salt.

Not all table scraps are good for them. It can cause them serious indigestion. Keep in mind that some foods are toxic for pets, like onions, avocados and grapes. So it’s better to know which right food to give and in moderation too.

National Pet Obesity Awareness 2021

3. Visit your Vet

Chubby cats and dogs look cute! But is it their ideal weight?

Visiting your vets on a regular basis can help you learn more about your pet’s wellbeing. Some pet owners get startled when they learn what is the ideal body weight for their pets. Vets can give us a plan of action on how to deal with it properly.

Overweight pets need more veterinary care. They are at risk for a variety of health problems, including;
National Pet Obesity Awareness

It is a sad part, but we really need to consider that overweight pets do not live long. It is one of the most important matters to consider when we have a pet. We need to check their health on a regular basis as most overweight pets experience a decrease in life expectancy.