Parenting Tips for 2018

Parenting Tips 2018In parenting, discipline techniques is a must to prevent raising children with unfavorable behaviours. Here are some parenting tips for everyone. After all, it is the responsibility of the parents to help their child become self-reliant, respectful and self-controlled. Discipline is actually the process of teaching a child to follow rules however finding the effective discipline techniques can be a whirlwind. There are many tools parents can use like positive reinforcement, punishments, modeling, and a loving and supportive family. 

Parents should establish their role in the family beforehand. There are three styles of parenting described by the American Mental Health Association namely authoritative, authoritarian and permissive parent. Firstly, an authoritative parent always has clear expectations and consequences and is affectionate toward the child. Authoritative parenting is considered to be the most effective form as it allows flexibility and collaborative problem solving.with the child especially when dealing with behavioural challenges. Secondly, authoritarian parent just like the first has clear expectations and consequences but shows little affection toward the child. Moreover, a permissive parent might express more love and affection, however executes lesser discipline which is less effective in parenting.

People also read: Reasons Why Children Have Behaviour Problems

Parenting Tips 2018Moreover, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Association of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and the National Mental Health Association have recommended discipline techniques that can help children acquire good behaviour as they grow up. These techniques are reward good behaviour, natural consequences, logical consequences, taking away privileges, and time outs. Reward good behaviour is simply acknowledging good behaviours to encourage the child to continue doing so. Natural consequences is to let the children experience the result of their behaviours while logical consequences involves describing to the child what are the unacceptable behaviours and what will be the consequences.

Furthermore, maintaining discipline requires proper management. The key to effective discipline is to understand the whole being of the child, especially their temperamental style. It is important to guide the discipline techniques that will fit perfectly with the child’s temperament. It is also necessary to communicate to the children about the discipline plan. It will allow children to understand why parents are using those techniques to them. Additionally, parents should be respectful towards their children, be consistent and understand what’s the appropriate discipline techniques according to their child’s development. It is also important to look for the reason behind their children’s inappropriate behaviours.