Horrific example of personal information mismanagement by GPS tracking platforms!

Horrific example of
personal information mismanagement
by GPS tracking platforms!

Competitor’s APP testing

During some research earlier this year, we tapped into a opposition’s overseas platform to test some of their features, functionality and most importantly the security measures they have implemented.
Few things worth mentioning:


1. Features were limited

2. Descriptions unclear

3. APP was incorrectly translated

4. Limited to no customer support

5. But most alarmingly, security and data privacy was compromised.

Months after the research and testing, we were horrified to learn that our personal information and location was shared with one of our competitors.  This should NEVER happen!  This is not only a breach of privacy laws, but it could also be very dangerous if the information got into the wrong hands.

Personal Data & Privacy Exposed

Your data is safe with
My Buddy Gard

Everyone’s concerned about their data security! When it comes to tracking, there’s 2 key factors that are paramount to keeping your data safe!

  • Personal Data Security

  • Data Privacy

My Buddy Gard’s “Track Map” has you covered!

See Below


Data security from My Buddy Gard
Data security from My Buddy Gard

AWS Australian Servers

All the data is hosted in secure Amazon Web Services servers in Sydney

ReCaptcha Security

ReCaptcha Security

And all our forms on the website and platform are also protected by ReCaptcha as another layer of security.

Firewall Security

Firewall Security

Track Map application is protected with Firewall to keep all the unwanted people out

OAuth Logo


OAuth is a way to get access to protected data from an application. It’s safer and more secure than asking users to log in with passwords.

SSL Security

SSL Security

My Buddy Gard websites and Track Map application also utilise SSL certificates to make sure your data is always transferred in encrypted form.

Private and Secure Australian built and owned purpose-built tracking platform.

MBG Track Map Security

Security Comes First!

MBG is Australian owned and operated and

abides by all Australian & New Zealand laws!

Our website has listed all of the local GPS tracking policies for Buddy users to see and abide by.


Why did we invest so much money in creating our own platform?

Why didn’t we just tap into another company’s platform?

There are so many generic overseas platforms we could have used….

See why below


Past & Present!

Years ago, when we first started in vehicle tracking, we had 2 separate occasions where the tracking platform went down and failed.  We were able to quickly re-locate all of our customers to another platform however Erika, our CEO & founder, made an immediate executive decision.

“If we are going to be protecting people, we cannot have this happen.  If a tracking platform went down for half a day, the ramifications of that could be dire.”

So she decided we needed to build own tracking platform to prevent this from happening to our personal tracking customers. 

She’s invested 100’s of thousands of dollars to make sure the tracking platform is the best and most reliable in the industry.  And it is! 

We call our platformTrack Map.  Built well above the industry standard and has fully customisable unique features like rules triggers and rules actions just to mention a few. 

Another very important feature is the ability to add everyone on the one screen. This means you can see multiple MBG trackers including MBG Go mobile APP users on the one screen instead of having to open separate apps or browser tabs for each tracker.  In an emergency, time plays a critical role!

MBG Logo

This ensure that having our own ‘Track Map’ as the platform, keeps our customers personal data and location safe AT ALL TIMES.

We feel that the lengths that we have gone to, to make sure our security is up to par, ties into our company ethics and tagline:

“Providing you peace of mind, security and freedom”

All available layers of security are a necessity!  YOU are worth it and deserve the highest level of security & support available!

When comparing us to our competitors, please pay close attention to these key factors! 

It literally could be the difference of keeping your child or elderly parents personal data and location safe!

Contact Us

1300 692 8339

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