Every three seconds, someone in the world develops Dementia.

That could be your loved one. As dementia affects someone’s thinking, behaviour and ability to perform everyday tasks, it can be very challenging as a carer to keep an eye on your loved one.

Our personal GPS tracker range allows you to locate and communicate with them at any time, instantly. They are designed to help you and your loved one living with dementia feel safe, in control and have peace of mind.

Some Facts About Dementia

According to the statistics of Dementia Australia™, dementia affects 50 million people worldwide. Moreover, as of 2020, an estimated 459,000 Australians is living with it and 27,800 of them are living with younger onset dementia.

Dementia can interfere with a person’s thinking abilities, behaviour and day-to-day activities. It also impairs and interferes with one’s brain functions such as memory and judgement. With those symptoms, anyone who has the condition will experience certain difficulties with their day-to-day lives. 

Looking After Someone with Dementia

The ability to do regular routines of someone with dementia can be limited. They could show signs of behavioural changes such as confusion, agitation, loss of memory and more. They could even begin to wander. As a family and carer, that can be very concerning especially if you are not always with them to check on their safety and well-being.

Aside from the support of family, carers, and support organisations, someone living with dementia can maintain their sense of well-being with the help of support aids. These support aids are assistive technology that helps someone to perform an activity that they would otherwise be unable to do.

For your Peace of Mind &

your loved ones Freedom

As a carer, your priority is to be able to monitor your loved one regularly. You want peace of mind that they will be ok and be safe on their own especially if they do not want someone keeping an eye on them closely all the time!

My Buddy Gard offers a win-win solution for both of you! Our personal Buddy trackers are designed to allow you to locate and communicate with your loved one instantly anywhere, anytime. With our wearable tracker, your loved one will feel in control of their life and you will feel confident that they will be safe and sound wherever they are.

My Buddy Gard is an NDIS Approved Provider

My Buddy Gard is an NDIS Approved Provider

We provide a safety net using 4G GPS Trackers combined with our unique “Track Map” which offers an instant overview of where your loved ones and valuables are at all times.


Buddy Trackers and Buddy Plans covered under:

  • Assistive Products For Personal Care And Safety
  • Consumables
Registered NDIS Provider