Benefits of Raising Children and Pets Together

Benefits of Raising Children and Pets TogetherPet ownership plays an important role in a child’s development. Raising children and our beloved pets together is such a wonderful experience. Scientists believe that the interaction with pets greatly contributes to the child’s mental, emotional and physical development. A study in England showed that kids with dogs exercise on an average of 11 minutes a day more than those who didn’t have a dog. It has also been proven by the American Academy Pediatrics that children with early interaction with cats and dogs are healthier and have a lesser risk of infections. In addition, Pet Health Council stated that children with pets have higher self-esteem. They can perform better due to the fact that pets are primarily the source of unequivocal love who provides support with no judgments given.

A lot of people, especially children love to have their own pet. It can be a dog, a cat, a fish, a horse or even a snake. The benefits of owning one is highly beneficial for all as it provides constant companionship, encourages healthy lifestyle, teaches responsibility and most of all it gives pure joy and happiness.  On top of that, animals have the ability to help children heal with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Children who have been through abuse and domestic violence instinctively trust animals helping them cope with the physical, emotional and psychological challenges. Animals, specifically dogs, aid children with autism spectrum disorders. Researchers proved that a pet can help lower blood pressure, hasten recovery period, and minimize stress and anxiety.

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Here are a few of the benefits of raising children with pets:

  1. Have a healthier lifestyleBenefits of Raising Children and Pets Together
  2. Improves social skills and coping mechanisms
  3. Reduces behavioural and developmental problems
  4. Provides unconditional love and support
  5. Develops better self-esteem
  6. Teaches empathy and responsibility

Pets are proven to be valuable in all families. Most of the pet owners consider them as a member of the family.  According to statistics, there are almost 80 million U.S. households own a pet. In Australia, 53% of the population don’t have a pet but would like to own one. However, 83% of Aussies have had a pet at some point in their lifetime.