Reasons Why Children Have Behaviour Problems

Children normally show their unspoken feelings and thoughts through their acts that sometimes turn into behaviour problems they have no idea of. It is considered their way of communicating something that they aren’t able to verbalize. General reasons why children misbehave are because of their legitimate need such as food and attention, lack of information, and the unhealed trauma or stress they are suffering from.

Here is a list of the most common reasons why children have behaviour problems:

They want to test the limits.Reasons-Why-Children-Have-Behaviour-Problems

They want to test the limits. Every child wants to know how complex the world is. Children are born with curiosity and they will always try to see and test the boundaries they have. This can be very frustrating for parents but it is necessary to set limits and be consistent to it in order for children to adopt positive values.

They experience inconsistent expectations between school and home.

Consistency takes a huge part in making children feel safe and secure. It allows them to have a pleasant understanding of how the world works. However, often times they received mixed messages in school and at home which resulted to different set of expectations. The best thing to do is to learn a simple way to discipline and have a conversation about it to their teacher.

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Lack of information or they are too young to understand the rules.

Disciplinary actions and guidance strategies should always be based on to the child’s developmental level. Make an appropriate rules that children can easily understand and remember.

They want independence, power and control.

They want independence, power and control. It comes to a point where children around two years old want to become independent. They want to be in control of certain things in their life. Provide them choices of task they can handle to give them power and capability to do things. This will have a positive impact on the child.

Legitimate needs are not being met.

Children will always be children. If their basic needs such as sleep, food, attention are not being met then it always expected that they will misbehave. To prevent this, it is highly recommended to stick to the routines where their needs are provided.

Lack of prior experience.

Exposure can help children learn easily. It is important to give them correct information why they are doing certain things. Allow them to have prior experience of the consequences if they have persistent behaviour.

They are being rewarded for misbehaviour.

It has been known for children to misbehave as an effective way of getting the things they want. When they don’t get get what they want, children tend to throw temper tantrums and endless cry expecting that mom and dad will eventually give in to make them stop. The main keys to prevent this are: no emotion and less talking. Parents should tell their children what they expect from them and be consistent to the conditions you gave to them.

They copy the actions of others.

Children learn on the things around them. Watching others is their way of learning on how to behave. They will copy the actions they see and experience at home.

They are suffering from mental health issues.

Anxiety or depression can cause the behaviour problems of the child. Also, when a child is suffering from stress and trauma, they have the inability to express their emotions with words which will lead to impulsive behaviour.  If a child has mental health issues, it is advisable to talk to a psychiatrist or trained mental health professionals.

Sometimes we just have to understand their feelings and take time to explain things so they are able to somehow understand things in their own ways, provide as much patience and attention to what they are going through, and teach them how to correctly assess between the right and wrong.

Spend time with your family outdoors and no matter how busy you are and how tight your schedule is, it is always important to spend some time of your day with your kids before anyone or anything does.