Scheduling the Rules Triggers for when you need them

How, when, what and why 🙂

Track Map allows you to schedule the notifications and alerts when you need them.
E.g – Suspecting unauthorised usage of your company vehicles on the weekends? Set geo-fence alerts or automatically immobilise the vehicles during weekends after driving into the yard. 


on the phone all the time

Video tutorial

Written tutorial

Scheduling the Alerts, and why is it useful! 

1. Click on the Geo-Fence icon

2.Low battery notification

3. Select your fence drawing tool

4. We selected the custom fence tool and drew a fence around “Jack’s School”

5. Name the fence & click Save button

6. Geofence list is accessible via geofence icon

7. Allocate the “school” geofence to the tracking unit using “Rules Engine”

8. Customise your “Rule Trigger”

9. Customise the “Rule Action(s)”

10. Confirmation message

11. Rules triggers list

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