It’s Time to Spend Time Outdoors with Your Family

To spend time outdoors sometimes needs a dedicated planning, and through the busy days we sometimes forget it’s a key to a healthy living. Children nowadays confine themselves inside most of the time, mainly because of the technological advancements they can use to enjoy life. Regardless of the rise of technologies, it is important to motivate one’s family to spend quality time doing outdoor recreational activities together. Outdoor activities are proven to be beneficial on a child’s development. It can also strengthen the bond a person has with the family.

To spend time outdoors has endless benefits and will help keep an individual and the rest of the family to be physically and mentally healthy. It provides psychological benefits involving stress prevention or reduction; improved self-confidence and spiritual growth; and heightens the sense of joy and adventure life brings. Moreover, social skills of a person will be polished as it provides an opportunity to meet and establish relationships with other people. Here are they key benefits of spending time outdoors with your loved ones.

Keep them away from gadgets

One of the ultimate remedies to battle becoming gadget dependent is to spend more time in nature. Have a family trip where it is gadget free like camping or hiking in the mountains. Those kinds of activities will greatly help the family to have  a break spending too much time on technologies.

Reduce a child’s ADHD symptoms

Green Space Therapy also known as green time is an effective alternative treatment for children with ADHD. It basically involves playing different outdoor activities anywhere, like park or even in backyard. Environmental Scientists credit the fact that a child can intensify the span of their awareness by being in nature that reduces multiple distractions.


Oral Health in ADHD Patients

Children with ADHD have a poor overall oral health status than those without ADHD. Poor oral hygiene habits contribute to a higher prevalence of cavities and dental caries in children with ADHD. The inability to focus, short attention span, and poor motor skills are the reasons for less effective tooth brushing, promoting poor oral health. Moreover, children with ADHD are also more prone to traumatic dental injuries caused by cognitive impairment, motor control impairment, and violent behaviors, which is a common comorbidity of ADHD. Dental traumatic injuries can also affect the psychological well-being of children with ADHD since they may avoid smiling or laughing to avoid showing their teeth, which can bring them shame.

Adults with ADHD may have minor physical abnormalities such as a high arched palate caused by orofacial injuries from automobile accidents resulting from their impulsive behavior, inattention, and impaired reaction time. Impulsivity and inattention can also make it difficult for ADHD patients to comply with their oral hygiene home-care regimens, compromising their dental health. Moreover, adults with ADHD may also self-medicate by smoking cigarettes to reduce ADHD symptoms, which can cause oral cancer or periodontal diseases. The frequent consumption of caffeinated beverages in many ADHD patients to improve their cognitive abilities can also harm oral health by staining teeth or producing dental caries if there is too much sugar.

The oral health of ADHD patients can also be affected by psychostimulants, commonly used to treat ADHD. Studies have shown that several side effects of psychostimulants threaten the oral and dental care of ADHD patients, including dental erosion and gingival overgrowth. Studies have shown that a low unstimulated salivary flow rate is observed in ADHD patients, which can cause oral health problems such as dental caries, halitosis (bad breath), and plaque accumulation. Furthermore, drugs used for treating ADHD can also cause adverse side effects like xerostomia (sensation of oral dryness/ dry mouth).

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Effective way to relieve stress

Nature has an aesthetic value and it can help remove stress. It provides indulgence to people just by simply being in nature.

Increase your levels of Vitamin D

Vitamin D is very essential as it helps prevent the occurrence of chronic illnesses like cancer. The primary source of Vitamin D is by direct exposure of sunlight. It also helps avoid everyday illness like colds and flu.