Telstra 3G (NextG) 850MHz Network Shutdown

Is it the end of the line for 3G? Telstra has revealed it will shut down its 3G network in 2024. And in this article, we study why Telstra 3G (NextG) 850MHz network shutdown.

What is 3G (third generation of mobile telephony)?

3G refers to the third generation of mobile telephony (that is, cellular) technology. The third generation, as the name suggests, follows two earlier generations. The first generation (1G) began in the early 80’s and the second generation (2G) emerged in the ’90s.

And as we grow our mobile network around Australia and upgrade it with the latest technology. We occasionally come to a point where it is necessary to say goodbye to older technology. And to use the spectrum it was carried on to boost the performance of newer and more efficient technology.

Global 3G decline

With the increased adoption of newer 4G and now 5G services, usage of 3G has declined globally.

As we grow our mobile network around Australia and upgrade it with the latest technology. We occasionally come to a point where it is necessary to say goodbye to older technology. And boost the performance of newer and more efficient technology.

Telstra’s 5G technology is now available in selected sites within 10 cities around Australia. And over the next year, we expect our coverage to expand to at least 35 Australian cities.

Greater opportunities

Maximize your IoT ecosystem and unlock immense potentials for your business with newer networks and technologies.

What does this mean for customers?

Any devices utilizing 3G (NextG) 850MHz modules will cease functioning in June 2024.

To continue using the Telstra network in Australia all devices must utilize a modem or module that is at minimum compatible with LTE Band 28 (700MHz) which Telstra refers to as 4GX.

For optimal performance M2M One strongly recommends customers to deploy dual-mode devices with access to LTE Band 3 (1800MHz) to provide maximum coverage.

As of October 2019 Telstra, the LTE Band 28 (700MHz) network covers 99.2% population coverage and there are plans in place to increase coverage to have network parity with the current 3G network before June 2024.

While Telstra is maintaining the NextG network until June 2024, you may notice a reduction in coverage in some areas where tuning and re-farming are taking place.


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