The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
NDIS is a scheme of the Australian government that funds cost associated with disability. The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a scheme legislated in 2013. And it’s expected to be in full operation nationally by this year 2020. Administered by the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA).
What is the NDIS
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) supports people with a permanent and significant disability which affects their ability to take part in everyday activities. The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) implements the NDIS.
The NDIS supports people with a disability to live an ordinary life.
The type of support provided includes:
- Support to achieve greater independence
- Support to being more involved in the community
- Support in gaining employment, and
- Support with improved wellbeing
The NDIS will fund reasonable and necessary supports that help people with disabilities to achieve their goals. Thus it will not support or fund services under mainstream services, but still, help the person with disability connect to those services.

History of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
During the 1970s
care of people with a disability in Australia shifted from institutionalization to community care basis.
Gough Whitlam proposed a national disability insurance scheme like the scheme offered in New Zealand. Academic Donna McDonald suggests it was Treasurer Bill Hayden who convinced Whitlam to focus on the introduction of Medicare instead.
the NSW government created the Lifetime Care and Support Scheme to cover ongoing care for people who had been severely injured in motor accidents.
Bruce Bonyhady, chair of Yooralla, met with former Labor cabinet minister Brian Howe, who put him in touch with a group of people who became known as the Disability Investment Group. The Disability Investment Group made an independent submission to the Australia 2020 Summit in 2008.
Recommended that psychosocial disability be part of the scheme.
As of 30 June 2019, some 298,816 people with disabilities were being supported by the NDIS. The Tune Review, in 2019, made 29 recommendations to help the NDIS.
To be eligible for the NDIS, a person must:
- Have a significant and permanent disability that substantially reduces their functional capacity, or they need access to early intervention supports
- Be an Australian citizen, a permanent resident, or a protected Special Category Visa holder
- Be under the age of 65 when first applying to become a participant
- Live in an area where the NDIS has begun
- Where applicable, meet the age/or phasing requirements for that area during the staged roll-out across Australia
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