A healthy pet is a happy pet! When you take your pet in your house, it becomes a family member. Just like a family member you treat your pets that way you treat your loved ones!  And in this article, we provide you some tips to a happy and healthy cat.

And when you decide to get a new kitten. the food and care you are giving your pet kitten would depend on how happy and healthy your baby cat is.

Since your cat helps you to be happy and healthy. You should return that favor! Here are some tips to ensure that you will raise a happy and healthy cat.

 1.Play Time. Play with your cat. Cats love to play. You can have a piece of string or crumpled paper that can serve as a toy. When you do this you start to create a bond and will be your foundation for many years to come.

2.Nutrition. Same us humans, your kitten needs nutritious foods and water on a regular basis. And always makes sure that you are aware of the food that your cat is eating. The first ingredient in your cat food should be “meat” not “by-products”. This should be free of grains,soy and fillers.

3. Grooming. Practice a grooming routine to your cat. You should be a helping hand in grooming your pet. Through grooming you can be able to check the fleas, ear mites, lumps or bumps on your cat’s body. It also create a good relationship between you and your cat.

4.Tidy Litter Box. Cleanliness is next to Godliness. You can start a training to your cat about peeing and pooping at the right places. This would develop your cat’s discipline and obedience. Also it will give you a peace of mind in nurturing your cat.

5. Regular Checkups. Monitoring your cat by having a regular visit to a vet. Do all the necessary vaccinations for your cat’s health.

6. Freedom. Since, Cats are really independent creatures. Give your pet a freedom to move around the house and learn how to jive with your cat’s mood.

7. Outdoors. You can create an exercise routine for outdoors. Letting your cat some time outside will learn how to explore the world and do it’s business. And your cat will definitely learn how to socialize on what’s around it. Hope these few tips will let you ponder on how to give the best care to keep your little fur friend healthy and happy!