Vitamin D, also referred to as the sunshine vitamin, is a group of fat-soluble subclass of steroids allowing the absorption of different minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and other biological compounds. The most important of these are vitamin D3, also referred to as cholecalciferol, and vitamin D2, also called ergocalciferol. Recent studies claim a huge chance of Vitamin D to prevent cardiovascular disease.

These two are essential in treating biological defects such as Vitamin D deficiency and Hypoparathyroidism. Since Vitamin D from supplements or skin synthesis is biologically dormant, an enzymatic transposition called hydroxylation is required to occur in the liver and kidney.

Can Vitamin D Protect Us from Cardiovascular DiseaseThe Role of Vitamin D

Vitamin D has a important role in calcium homeostasis that auto-regulates and maintains the organisms to an stable optimal functioning, and metabolism responsible for chemical mechanisms that maintain life. This research has been made successful due to quest to find the dietary substance lacking in children with rickets in the past.

This study found the role of Vitamin D very important in bone health and proven to have a huge impact to human health, and in the recent studies, Vitamin D is looking to have an apprehensive effect on cardiovascular health. Studies have explicitly associated insufficient levels of Vitamin D to the most common cardiovascular diseases such as coronary disease and heart failure.

Cardiovascular Disease

There are many types of heart disease that take a huge percentage of deaths worldwide. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has indicated that heart disease is the superior cause of death in major countries such as the United Kingdom, United States, Canada, and Australia. Heart diseases can be treated by either medication or surgery.

Cardiovascular diseases are caused by narrowed or blocked blood vessels that usually leads to a heart attack, stroke or angina. And because Vitamin D is a known factor of playing effectively in the part of homeostasis and metabolism, the scientists are looking closely.

Vitamin D and Heart Failure

And because heart failure is generally known, understanding the system is crucial, and since expert studies recently presented evidence that Vitamin D might protect against heart failure, scientists are eager to learn more and understand the physiology.

Even though the facts have been established, there’s not enough understanding on the mechanisms at work with heart disease and Vitamin D. But despite the fact, researchers from Westmead Institute for Medical Research in Australia decided to push forward and take an advantage of the possibility to have a better edge on heart failure.

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