What is a Geofence

What is a geofence and how does it work? A geofence is a virtual fence or a perimeter around a physical location. Geofencing is a tool to connect the virtual experience with the offline world’s physical location. A geo-fence could be dynamically generated—as in a radius around a point location, or a geo-fence can be a predefined set of boundaries.

What is geofencing technology?

Geofencing is a location-based service in which an app or other software uses GPS, RFID, Wi-Fi or cellular data. This is to trigger a pre-programmed action when a mobile device or RFID tag enters or exits a virtual boundary. It is a set up around a geographical location, known as a geofence. It uses GPS signals to determine when a target customer enters a boundary.

It depends on how configured it was it can prompt mobile push notifications. Trigger text messages or alerts, send targeted advertisements on social media. It can also allow tracking on vehicle fleets. Disable certain technology or deliver location-based marketing data.

Some geofences are set up to monitor activity in secure areas, allowing management to see alerts when anyone enters or leaves a specific area. Businesses can also use geofencing to monitor employees in the field, automate time cards and keep track of company property.

Benefits of Geofencing in Marketing:

  • Increase Engagement

Geofencing helps you develop engagement with your brand. When you send offers straight to your audience, they’re more likely to connect with your business and see what you have to offer.

People only want to see offers that are significant to their needs. When you have custom-made offers that you send at the right time. It will boost the odds that your target market will engage with your brand and visit your store.

  • Better Targeting

Geofencing allows you to reach customers at the right place and at the right time. Making your marketing messages more personalized based on the location you can target people in the area of your store. It will increase the possibility of getting more people to your outlets. This ensures improved targeting and personalization of marketing messages.

  •  Efficiency

Location-based marketing is very personal and targeted which improves its efficiency undoubtedly. By providing specific offers to people based on their location you enhance the impact that your communications create on the buyers.