What is the “WiFi Disconnection Alert” and how do I set it up?

What is WiFi Disconnection Alert?

Also known as WiFi Disconnection Notification is a feature we decided to develop as a failsafe for Geo-Fence Notification.

This feature will notify you as soon as the WiFi conditions have changed, whether the allocated device(s) have disconnected or reconnected to the selected WiFi Network.
The device doesn’t have to be connected to the WiFi network, as the devices are capable of seeing the networks around themselves without being connected.
You can set the alert condition to any WiFi network that is visible to My Buddy Gard GPS Buddy Watch at the time of setting the notification.

For example, your mum or dad is in care home and leaves or enters the care home WiFi range.

Video tutorial

Written tutorial

How do set up a WiFi Connection Alerts?

1. Click on the Rules Engine icon

2. Click on the Add Rule Trigger button

3. Configure your WiFi Disconnection Rule

4. Let’s configure and customise the message for the “Wifi Disconnection Alert”


Choose the Action for your Rule Trigger (Email)


Type in the email address for the notifications


Customise the notification message for the Alert


Add further Action(s) if necessary


Save Rule Trigger

5. Cofirmation Message

6. Rules Trigger List

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