World Autism Awareness Day
This year marks the 15th annual World Autism Awareness Day. It recognizes and spreads awareness for the rights of people with autism. Celebrates diversity and promotes the rights and well-being of persons with disabilities. Also includes learning differences and developmental disabilities. Its purpose is to promote, protect and ensure the full and equal enjoyment of all human rights. And also fundamental freedoms by all persons with disabilities.
Autism Spectrum Disorder is a developmental disorder characterized by behavioural and communicational affections. It has an impact on a person’s ability to navigate social interactions. And it also causes repetitive and restricted behaviour.
It was in 1911 when the first historical appearance of the word “Autism” by psychiatrist Eugen Bleuler.

How you can support World Autism Awareness Day?
World Autism Awareness Day aims to put a spotlight on the hurdles that people with autism and others living with autism face every day. To ensure that all affected by autism are able to achieve the highest quality of life possible.
Stand Up, Speak Out
If you overhear someone saying something inconsiderate about autism or any disability, speak up. Don’t let it pass.
Raise Awareness
Share updates about your work on your social media channels with the hashtag #AutismAwarenessMonth. And also you can tag the organization you’re supporting in each post you write.
Support Autism-Friendly Businesses and Employers
There are many businesses actively working to be inclusive of individuals with autism. Many are actively seeking to hire neurodiverse employees and create more work opportunities for individuals with disabilities.