World Koala Day 3rd May 2024

Aussies love to tease the world about drop bears, but the truth is, our beloved koalas are marsupials, not bears and are closely related to wombats! Join us in celebrating the real deal on International Koala Day, May 3rd!

World Koala Day

Here are some fascinating facts about koalas:

Baby koalas are called joeys: These adorable creatures develop in their mother’s pouch for about six months before riding on their mom’s back for another six months.

Fussy eaters: Koalas survive on a diet of eucalyptus leaves but can be quite picky about which ones they eat, often selecting the leaves at the top of the tallest trees.

Supportive butt: Living in trees requires support, and koalas have just the thing! Their strong cartilage at the end of their curved spine helps them make eucalyptus trees a comfortable seat.

Sleepy Heads: Koalas are expert nappers, snoozing for up to 20 hours a day in their treetop sanctuaries.

Sensory Growth: Baby koalas, known as joeys, are born blind and deaf. However, they quickly develop these senses, relying heavily on their acute hearing as they grow.

A species in danger: Koalas face threats like disease, deforestation, and human encroachment, leading to a decline in their population.

Almost homeless: With over 80% of their habitat lost to various factors, including bushfires and droughts, koalas desperately need our help.

World Koala Day

So, as we celebrate International Koala Day and delve into the fascinating world of koalas, don’t forget to check out our Ener Koala accessory. More than just a snuggly toy, the Ener Koala is your friendly guardian against the modern-day hustle and bustle. Designed to neutralize electromagnetic radiation (EMR) emitted by smart devices, it offers a cozy and safer atmosphere for you and your loved ones.

Let’s celebrate Koala Day together and make a difference for our furry friends! #InternationalKoalaDay #ProtectOurKoalas